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       Forms of payment we accept:
- All Major Credit Cards /Debit Cards
- Pay Pal
- E- Check / Wire Transfer
All payments are processed securely through a "PCI DSS validated Level 1" service provider, which is the highest international standard for secure data exchanges for online stores and payment systems
  •  We do NOT  have access to,  collect,  or store your credit card or checking account information.
  •  Our Site is always launched through a secure  HTTPS connection.  You can verify that a website is secure, by looking at the URL of the website. If it begins with “https” instead  of  “http” it means the site is secured using an SSL Certificate (the s stands for Secure). 



  •  SSL Certificates secure all of your data as it is passed from your browser to the website's server.

       You should also see a green "padlock" to the left of the site address on the address bar, that you can click on for         further security details.


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